Donate or find clothing and household goods.
House by the Side of the Road provides clothing and small household items at no charge to children and adults, 734.769.4085
Ann Arbor Thrift Shop is a volunteer-run nonprofit that donates the profits from the sale of clothing, housewares, and other items to community nonprofits for eviction prevention, medical bills, and other emergency expenses, 734.662.6771
Dress for Success is looking for professional clothing — the type of clothing you would wear to a job interview — to help women succeed at work, 734.712.0517
Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop accepts clothing, furniture, kitchen items, linens, crafts, medical items and small appliances to support Ann Arbor Public Schools parent-teacher organizations and student activities, 734.996.9155
Friends in Deed passes on furniture donations directly to community members who need cribs and beds. They support people with material needs such as vehicle repairs to get to work/medical appointments and have a unique relationship-based anti-poverty program called “Circles.” 734.484-7607 for furniture, and 734.484.4357 for general assistance.
Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor uses the sale of furniture and a wide array of household items, art, jewelry, clothing (you name it!) for grants to support community nonprofits serving children and families, 734.368.9738