Pay for services
Your contribution makes services possible for someone else.
Our low-cost or free services rely on individual donations. Your contribution pays it forward — makes it possible for someone else to also benefit.
Please help us out by selecting the program you are donating to from the PayPal drop-down menu. If you prefer, you can use a credit/debit card for a one-time payment. (We do not save your information.)
Complete your secure payment below.
Staff members at the Big House Big Run fundraiser
Michigan Stadium in the background
Need help?
For payment questions and assistance, contact us by phone (734) 973-6779 or send us an email at Our phone hours are Monday–Thursday, 9am–5pm.
Please note that insurance-based payments for our Room to Talk program are now being processed through our Electronic Health Records system. If you haven’t been invited yet, please email to get a link to the portal for payment.