Mission & vision
Dedicated to economic and emotional self-determination of women, girls, and families
Our mission
The Women’s Center of Southeastern Michigan is dedicated to the economic and emotional self-determination of women, girls, and families. We also serve men and folks who identify as gender-diverse.
Individuals in crisis have access to low-cost help from a therapist, career coach, divorce specialist, family law attorney, or financial adviser.
When women have the tools to assert their economic and emotional strengths, families and communities also thrive.
That women will identify and magnify their strengths to achieve full economic and emotional health.
Elements of change we believe in
We encourage individuals to discover and amplify their inherent strengths through therapy.
Soundings: sliding-scale personal counseling for all.
Room to Talk: Insurance-based counseling for all.
We are a learning community, which means that everyone is free to make — and learn from — mistakes without blame or shame.
Learning does not proceed just one way: from expert to newcomer. It is an interactive, experiential process: supervisors learn from interns; employees learn from volunteers; interns learn from clients.
New personalities and fresh ideas ensure mutual growth and keep the work relevant and rewarding.
We connect individuals with community resources; offer groups for pregnant and post-partum women and women at the end of a long-term relationship; encourage career exploration; and provide one-on-one financial coaching.
MomShare for moms and infants
Support groups
Career coaching
Financial coaching
Our guiding values
Our underlying principle, which informs all others, is self-determination.
Self-determination theory asserts that human beings are naturally striving, curious, spontaneous, and vital.
We are inclined to 1) seek challenges, 2) gravitate toward choice, and 3) adopt behaviors that are prompted, modeled, or valued by others.
bring together people and programs, both inside and outside our agency, to build a continuum of economic and emotional support.
maintain that gender and racial discrimination and other oppressions; power and economic inequities; domestic and sexual abuse; and the silencing of women’s voices are still commonly practiced in our society and profoundly impact emotional, economic, and physical health.
are committed to be responsible, transparent, and accountable for all of our actions.
adhere to codes of professional conduct as required by our various disciplines – social work, counseling, and psychology.
are committed to high-quality, financially-accessible service regardless of individual income or insurance status.
affirm equal access to our services, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, racial/ethnic background, ability, or income level.
strive for participative decision-making in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
provide opportunities for participants to question, challenge, and make suggestions about social and economic policies that may ultimately impact their lives and the lives of their families.