Financial & Family Law Education

Learn how to protect yourself and your children when your household splits up

Join us in a two-part workshop series (4 hours total) that provides the information you need to protect yourself and your children when your household splits up.

This is a great opportunity to save money on attorney fees — you’ll have an overview of how things work in your county, and will feel more confident throughout the break-up process.

Each session is designed to help you sort through the experience and guide you as you create a team of support. You don’t have to do it alone!

Family Law Workshop

The 2-hour family law discussion covers the end of a relationship with and without children. (Although our facilitators are most familiar with procedures in Washtenaw County, residents from other counties will also be able to apply most of the information to their own situation.)

Financial Workshop

The 2-hour financial presentation explains finances both before and after divorce or the end of a long-term relationship.


6:00-8:00 PM; the second and third Wednesdays of every month, except December.

Topics alternate each week: legal issues on the second Wednesday and financial issues on the third Wednesday. You are welcome to attend multiple sessions over multiple months.


On Zoom. Your Zoom link into the workshop will be provided in an email after you register.


All women are welcome. For safety reasons, divorce support services are women-only.


Call us at 734.973.6779 to reserve your space.
For safety reasons, divorce support services are women-only.

Facilitators: Our legal workshop facilitators are family law attorneys Jill Beasley and Debra Keehn.

Our financial advisors are Susan Franke of Raymond James & Associates, Peggy Wilson of Huron Valley Financial, and Jodi Douglas of Howard Hanna.


The online workshops are free. Donations are always welcome, and make it possible for us to serve other women like you.

“I did the series of classes twice and found it useful both times. Life is hard but it sure makes it better and even easier with support and caring guidance and acceptance.”


Our Divorce Education & Support Services

  • A women-only group that offers a friendly and supportive atmosphere and the tools to deal with separation or divorce. Learn more here.

  • A 2-part presentation on the legal and financial aspects of ending long-term relationships. Learn more here.

  • Typical questions about the end of a long-term relationship. Go to the Divorce Q&A section.

  • Therapy provides the opportunity to discuss relationships of all kinds, including not-so-happy endings.

    Learn more about your options.

  • A list of general and divorce-specific legal support available in the area, here.

  • A list of ways to pay for your divorce process, at varying levels of combined income. Read more here.

We move in and out of relationships. Some relationships are definitely worth keeping. Others are not. A relationship may feel like the real deal, until, suddenly, it doesn’t. A connection that you thought was mutual can end abruptly, without a good goodbye. Or it can drag on well past its expiration date.

Take a deep breath. You can do this. You’ll come out on the other side of this experience with skills and strengths you never knew you had.