Couples … or not

Challenges of payment structure for couples

You’ll notice that there are far more services—legal and therapeutic—for folks who are splitting up than for couples who are invested in staying together. This is because insurance drives service delivery, and insurance covers individuals—not couples—counseling. If you have commercial insurance, consult with your individual therapist to see if there is a creative way to get around the “no couples” rule.

Consider a Psychotherapy search under Counseling. . .more.

  • Check out The Michigan Mental Health Networker under Marriage & Couples Counseling [scroll down] for therapists who work with couples.

    Catholic Social Services, individual and family counseling, prisoner reentry, older adult services, family assessments, and faith-based marriage preparation, 734.971.9781 ext. 345

    Samaritan Counseling Services faith-based counseling, 734.677.0609

  • Start with The Women’s Center’s Divorce support page, to get an idea of options available to you in the Southeastern Michigan area. Consider legal and safety issues if you’re in a controlling or abusive relationship.

    Going Solo support group, The Women’s Center’s 8-week facilitated group for women recovering from divorce. 734.973.6779

    Divorce/Break-up Education, The Women’s Center’s 4-part educational series on the legal and financial aspects of divorce. Topics alternate from month to month. 734.973.6779

    Schoolcraft College: Schoolcraft divorce support, as well as legal and financial consultations (on alternating weeks) for both women and men, students and non-students. 734.462.4443

    Divorce Care connects the public with faith-based divorce groups across the U.S. Enter your zip code on their website to find a group near you.

    Divorce peers lists divorce programs in the Ann Arbor/Saline area.

    Knox Presbyterian Church, Divorce Recovery Workshop for women and men, 2065 S. Wagner (corner of Scio Church), beginning in January. 734.761.5669

    Huron Hills Baptist Church, Divorce Recovery Workshop for women and men, 3150 Glazier Way (northeast Ann Arbor), beginning in September. 734.769.6299