Job search, skills, networking, and self-discovery.
Job Resources
Whether you are looking to expand your skill sets, are ready to begin your search for a new job, or are looking to do business networking in our community, we hope this comprehensive list of resources will help.
A job search checklist may be a good starting point.
A job search checklist may help you think through the next steps to employment.
CEW+ at University of Michigan offers workshops and career counseling for (in order of priority) U of M students, alumni, and community members. 734.764.6005
Disability Network offers anyone who identifies as disabled, specialized career and micro-enterprise development services. 734.971.0277
Michigan Works Career Transition Center of Washtenaw County offers job search services at multiple locations throughout the State. 734.714.9814
Gesher Human Services, Southfield-based career coaching and job search support, 248.559.5000
Michigan Ability Partners for Washtenaw, Wayne and Jackson counties focuses on helping disabled clients and veterans find housing and jobs. 734.975.6880
Michigan Rehabilitation Services of Washtenaw County helps individuals with disabilities to find and maintain jobs, including self-employment. 734.677.1125
Dress for Success Michigan, referral-only access to women’s professional interviewing attire. 734.712.0517
Student Resource Center, Washtenaw Community College, can help you identify shorter-length coursework that can get you more quickly into a job than a full college degree. 734.677.5105
The Entrepreneurship Center, Washtenaw Community College, helps with resources and professional direction for potential business ventures. 734.249.5880
Washtenaw Literacy, free tutoring for adults, 16+, on reading, writing, and using computers. Open to people just learning English. 734.679.0099
EMU Engage, technology training for older adults as part of occupational therapy internship program, 313.365.0488
Ypsilanti District Library, individual and group computer classes, 734.482.4110, x2411.
Learning Express over 700 online classes accessible with a library card. Practices test for ACT, SAT, PSAT and TOEFL as well as trade certification, civil service, math/reading tests, and U.S. citizenship.
CEW+ at University of Michigan offers workshops and career counseling for (in order of priority) U of M students, alumni, and community members. 734.764.6005
Free public computers (with some on-site technical support) at Ann Arbor District Library builds confidence in using computers for job search, social media, and workplace performance. 734.327.4265
Great Lakes Women’s Business Council, formerly Center for Empowerment and Economic Development (CEED), Michigan Women’s Business Center, offers face-to-face and virtual training and counseling to women business owners. 734.677.1400
Washtenaw Literacy, free tutoring for adults, 16+, on reading and writing. Open to people just learning English. 734.679.0099
GROW, Elevating Entrepreneurs training and on-going counseling needed to start a business, plus several support services needed to sustain or expand a business. 616.458.3404
Women’s Exchange of Washtenaw, a networking forum focused on individual interaction between local businesswomen.
Association for Women in Computing, Ann Arbor chapter, a local offshoot of a national organization of women interested in technology, which includes the “Job Luck Club,” specifically for those looking for employment.
American Business Women’s Association, Maia Chapter provides opportunities for personal and professional growth at monthly dinner meetings at Weber’s Inn.
LA2M-Marketing Education is a monthly lunch-optional link-up at Conor O’Neill’s for marketing professionals, social medial buffs, and business women and men.
Ann Arbor SPARK, entrepreneur education and training
Inforum, networking and leadership organization for women — as well as men — with Southeast and West Michigan chapters.
16 personalities, a free test (without scientific validity) developed by a mother-daughter team, Myers-Briggs, that may help you identify the types of work and people you gravitate toward.
Enneagram personality path, a free test (without scientific validity) that classifies individuals into one of 9 dominant personality types based on values.
My next move, a U.S. Department of Labor career exploration site by keywords, industry, and interests.