Women’s centers in Michigan

Independent nonprofits focused on women’s empowerment.

Agencies that offer housing (shelters) for victims of interpersonal violence are listed under Abuse recovery.

The Women’s Center of Southeastern Michigan, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Counseling, divorce education and support, mom and infant group, career and financial coaching, 734.973.6779

Women’s Center of Greater Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan. Employment, housing, parenting workshops, therapy, seminars for business start-ups, 517.372.9163

Women’s Resource Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Divorce information, job search assistance, and career guidance, 616.458.5443

Women’s Resource Center of Northern Michigan, Petoskey, Michigan. Counseling, career exploration, child and family issues, teen workshops, rape and sexual assault counseling, 231.347.0067