Low-Cost Divorce Options

Options for varying levels of combined income

Very-low combined income

If your combined income is very low, you may qualify for:

1. Application for a reduction or forgiveness of the divorce application costs

2. Modest Means requires $30 upfront and a $375 retainer, and an hourly rate of not more than $75 sponsored by the Washtenaw County Bar Association.

What counts as “low income” depends on the number of people in your household. If you qualify for Medicaid and/or SNAP, you are probably also eligible for these benefits.

If your combined income is higher, consider:

1. Voluntary mediation

“Voluntary” implies that your partner is willing to negotiate in good faith. Voluntary mediation is a more flexible and less costly route than mandatory court-ordered mediation or an attorney-facilitated process.

A mediator (someone trained to be impartial) will guide you and your partner through decisions about parenting time, child/spousal support, retirement/pensions, health insurance, housing, etc. The mediator will record your mutual decisions in a document—the Memorandum of Understanding.

Before signing the memorandum, hire your own personal attorney to look it over to ensure that you have not compromised in ways that put you or your children at risk.

The nonprofit Dispute Resolution Center offers affordable mediation in Washtenaw and Livingston Counties.

2. Deferred payment possibilities for family law attorneys

Payment plan. Ask friends and family if they have a recommendation of a trustworthy family law attorney who can work with you on a payment plan. Attorneys charge $250-$500/hour.

Retainer. Most attorneys require an initial payment of $2,500 to $7,000 that covers the time it takes to familiarize themselves with the details of your case and get started on paperwork.

Contingency. You may be able to find an attorney who agrees to take your case in exchange for a share of the post-divorce settlement. If you have few things of value – cars, furniture, jewelry, savings – this is unlikely.

An experienced and reputable attorney will be able to give you an estimate of the time they think it will take and their rate per hour. The more contentious the divorce, of course, the greater the number of hours. If you and your ex- can stick to the facts, it will save money for both parties.

Washtenaw County Bar Association Referral Line makes it possible to speak with an attorney for 30 minutes, if you have a have a credit/debit card and can afford to wait for up to 2-5 business days for an answer.

Our Divorce Education & Support Services

We move in and out of relationships. Some relationships are definitely worth keeping. Others are not. A relationship may feel like the real deal, until, suddenly, it doesn’t. A connection that you thought was mutual can end abruptly, without a good goodbye. Or it can drag on well past its expiration date.

Take a deep breath. You can do this. You’ll come out on the other side of this experience with skills and strengths you never knew you had.